Please note the Parish Clerk has a new number
07919 911938
Become a Parish Councillor
If you’re interested in supporting your local community by becoming a Parish Councillor, click below to find out all you need to know.
Also includes other election information.
Checkley Parish Council Services

A Rich History
At seven o’ clock on New Year’s Eve, 1894, the first elected Council for the Parish of Checkley met in the British Schools at Upper Tean, the present Greatwood School.

Parish Meetings
Checkley Parish Council meet on the third Tuesday of every month at 7.15pm in Great Wood Hall. Local electorate are welcome to attend and address the Council during the public participation...

Your Parish Councillors
Checkley Parish Council is made up of eleven seats over two wards, Hollington Ward (three seats) and Checkley Ward (eight seats). Councillors received no remuneration for their time.

Contact Us
You can contact any of our councillors direct or via the Clerk. The Clerk is a part-time role and will get back to you as soon as they can.
The Clerk can be contacted on 07919 911938